Next Monday Night Session: 6th August 2012

With summer sort of here, the next Mountainboard Derby Monday Night Session will be held on Monday 6th August at our usual spot on Darley Park, somewhere near the benches close to the top car park.

You may have seen the facebook message earlier this week? It shows a message from Derby City Council to say that they do intend to do works to sort out Darley Park once the weather gets a bit better.

Even so, Darley Park was running far better last week than it was a fortnight a go, so hopeful things should be fine tonight.  We've had a bit of random rain early this morning so fingers crossed for a dry spell.

Ade will be there from 7(ish) for a couple of hours or so depending on who turns up.  There may be more slightly earlier - check Facebook Derby for up-to-date details.  

If you want to borrow any kit such as boards, helmets or pads or want to use the mini ramp, then give us a shout as equipment is available but limited.

Discussions regarding this session can be found as always on the Mountainboard Derby Facebook page.

Hope to see you down there, or get in touch if anyone is having a local mid-week session anywhere!