Lessons: Important Information

Whenever possible, an ATBA Registered Instructor will be on hand to provide a free, basic introduction to mountainboarding.

It is strongly recommended that advanced contact is prior to arrival in order to discuss arrangements and suitability as there is limited equipment available and padding only available in a range of sizes.

One-to-one or one-to-two instruction is preferred with participants over the age of 16.   Younger riders may be okay depending on their size but most of the safety equipment and boards we have are setup for the larger rider.  Larger groups are discouraged as with limited equipment, this can lead to limited riding if people are sharing equipment.

All riders under instruction will be required to sign a participation agreement prior to the start and riders under the age of 18 will require the signature of a Parent or Guardian.

The lesson will cover the basics of mountainboarding and usually takes around half an hour.  This is then followed by a session of informal riding with advice offered as appropriate.

Contact: eastmidlands@atbauk.org

List of registered ATBA Intstructors:

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